gay gay and more gay. Deal with it

I had a lovely weekend in Miami, where I was honoured with the Leadership award by the Gay and Lesbian Task Force. The Task Force is a great group and I really feel organisatons like it and Fight Back NY are the way ahead: direct action, no more conciliation and politciking from huge costing corporate giants like the HRC. We need to have action, people. People are dying in this country because we don't have equality. Kids are killing themselves because our government is not sending out the message strongly enough that we must be respected and treated equally.

I also discovered this weekend that my friend Tony is the Meryl Streep of cheerleading. Really. He actually said that. I am speecheless with awe.

The brilliant Cynthia Nixon was giving it what for yesterday at the New Yorker festival.  Watch this clip and show it to anyone you know who doesn't get why we want marriage equality.