emmy schmemmy

I just got home from the Emmys. It was a hilarious evening. I sort of compare it to Christmas or Thanksgiving: You all meet up in LA, see people you only see at that time of the year, party it up like crazy and also get lots of presents, though sadly not, in my case, an award. But I am so happy for Peter Dinklage who won my category. I think he is brilliant and it couldn't have hapened to a nicer person. He is in one of my favourite films in the whole world, The Station Agent.

I also loved the range of insane reactions to my Jean-Paul Gaultier outfit. Either adulation or horror. I like that.

Here I am with Scott Westerfield, the author of the Leviathan trilogy about the third instalment, Goliath, and an interview I did in LA at the GBK Gifting Lounge.