I have just spent over three hours trying to check in at Singapore airport. Apparently because my Contintental flight last week was delayed and they booked me on some other connections it interfered with my return ticket details and so they couldn't get the paperwork in order to let me on the flight home. Why not just buy me a new ticket and sort this all out later said I, tired and spent and not in the mood to be hanging around the concourse of an airport after a week of emotional and physical toil in the humid heat of Malaysia? Well three hours later that's just what happened, except they couldn't seem to organise to pay it from the production office in London and so I have had to cough up on my credit card and they'll pay me back. Let's start the countdown to see how quickly that happens, shall we?
Can you tell I am a little tetchy?! But wouldn't you be? Anyway, I am now in a nice lounge, where I had hoped to be three long hours ago, and able to do some of the things I really need to do before I get on the plane. But cancel, continue. At least tomorrow I will be back home, knowing who I am as well as thinking it and with the best ever truth for my next game of Two Truths and a Lie.
And to cheer us all up, here is Elizabeth, the Who Do You Think You Are director after just eating a chilli yesterday.