Eli Gold returned to The Good Wife's second season as a series regular. I was really happy to go back and explore this character some more. This season saw Eli on the campaign trail to re-elect Peter Florrick as State's Attorney. This also meant his relationship with Alicia was stretched and ultimately strengthened as the tow became to respect and care for each other.
On a personal level we discover that Eli is a divorcee with an 18 year old daughter, and he has a brief romance with a young student he encounters on the campaign trail played by America Ferrera.
The writers on this show are so amazing and I felt that they gave me some great stuff to do again, and the way that Eli showed a softer side was really fascinating to play. Ultimately he is still a political animal but that ruthlessness was pretty comical on many occasions too.
Here is a little Eli tribute someone made and then the behind the scenes videos CBS.com asked me to make.