I have traveled onboard the Royal Scotsman train several times and it is one of my absolute favourite things to do. Scotland is beautiful to look at, of course, but the train itself is stunning and you feel like you’ve stepped back in time. And then there’s the incredible service, every meal cooked on board, weirdy vegan and gluten -free tastes catered for, and hooch till the cows come home. It’s my kind of holiday.
So when the producer and director George Scott asked me to host a travelogue for Channel 4 all about the Royal Scotsman, I couldnt believe my luck. So in August of 2023 I spent weeks both aboard the train and then on various amazing excursions on land and sea, including going to the Isle of Iona and then seeing Fingal’s Cave, truly two things I have wanted to do my entire life!
This was a pretty sweet gig, all in all!